Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are, please share our website address with them.

If you know the email address for any Classmate below, you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email to our website.

If you have any contact information for any of our Classmates listed below, please email it to us (we will update our records and forward to them reunion information).  Thanks for your help in spreading the word.


William Aceto
Suzanne Albert
Thomas Beier
Willie Benjamin
John Bickel
Dolores Brown (Frasier)
Thomas Campione
Betty Carr
Mary Castelli
Nadia Cholach (Sanow)
Anthony Ciurca
Barbara Clark
Carol Crisciullo
Marvin Daniels
Barbara Davis
Carol Davis
Barbara Doria
Joe Ekiert
Thomas Finegan
Barbara Fingland (Faso)
Thomas Fries
Kazimiera Garbowski
Gabriella Gasbarre
Dianne Griffin (Alexander)
Georgianne Hackett
Luba Hrykorenko (Lepki)
Linda Kozlowski
Olha Krawczuk
Marlene Krueger
James Leo
Robert Lewis
Valentyna Lysenko
Grace Magar
Jerilyn Marranca
John Martin
Linda Marvin
Ron Matula
Rose Minne
Willie Murray
Donna Neal
Joseph Palermo
Donna Peake (Hoffman)
Mary Reaves
Susan Redding
Dale Reed
Sharon Reno
William Riffle
Maryann Rouse (Templer)
Carol Russo (Mandell)
Sophia Schmitt
Mary Schoeher
Lucille Shea (Faust)
Nick Sidoti
Robert Siegel
Carole Smith
Robert Stein
Michael Stoner
Gary Strutz
Joann Taylor
Mary Trenquillo
Nathaniel Turner
Barbara Valvassori
Thomas Vullo
Donna Wakefield
Loretta Wessman
Gary Wilson
Margaret Woodruff
Nancy Woodruff
Ernestine Ziegler